Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Olympics Are Upon Us

Well, readers... if you're still here... it's been an utter eon since I put 'pen to paper' and updated this blog. I'd make excuses and try to pretend I was busy, but the truth is I just haven't been motivated. Until now, really.

The Olympics are almost upon us and quite honestly I'm very excited. Almost as excited as a four-year-old on Christmas morning. The World Juniors this year fed my Olympic hunger and, while I know it isn't realistic I'd love to see a repeat at the big show. Yeah, yeah. We all need dreams to get us through life. Welcome to mine.

I'd love to say I've compiled a whole mid-season breakdown. That I've been doing research and that has caused the delay. That I'm going to wax poetic about what's happened thus far in the '09/'10 season. The truth is I've done none of those things and have no real intention of even mentioning the first half. For the most part at least.

I will say that this season finds us in much the same place we were last season (as far as San Jose is concerned anyhow) - 1st overall in the NHL and looking shaky at times. I'm going to leave it at that for fear of spending 1,000 words fueled by emotion, letdown and disappointment trying to explain how the standings don't mean anything. The only thing that matters is the post... blah, blah, blah. We've done this all before. Let's move on.

The Olympics are in Vancouver, Canada this year and the big talk isn't who will win the Gold. The big talk is who will lose to Canada. Egotistical much? Maybe just a bit. Though it's a well deserved bit of ego. Canada is the epicenter of hockey for all intents and purposes. You can disagree, you can try to say Minnesota or Europe or outer space are more important to hockey, but you'd be wrong. Canada - the birthplace and still the center of all that is holey... erm... hockey.

So, what happens in the Olympics? Who does lose to Canada? I'm asking you, readers. I want to know what you think will happen. Get our your crystal ball, put your medal winners in order and post 'em up. We'll discuss it all in the comments section (see, I told you I had nothing clever and substantial to write - thus I let you do most of my job).

With that I welcome you to 2010, half-heartedly promising to update more. "Put your head down and skate."